Our Inner Child

Our Inner Child It's funny how our childhood creeps up into everything we do without our being aware. It's like a five-year-old is constantly following us around asking questions that we don't want to listen to. She's so annoying, that child: always asking why, always bringing up stuff we don't want to deal with. She can pop up in some aches and pains that we brush off as stress and take some Tums to forget her. We're not paying attention to her, poor child, and she acts out all the more because of it. Sometimes she screams and shouts, throwing a temper tantrum just to be noticed. She infiltrates into the present moment and takes hold of it until we silence her again into a corner of ourselves. I have been thinking a lot lately about my inner child, especially since I heard a post cast with Dr. Don Wood, PhD. He developed the Inspired Performance Institute to deal with past events that are effecting our present lives. So, of course I asked myself: how is my past...