Molecule Mover

Molecule Mover I don't do it for the acclaim. Clapping or comments like "What a lovely voice she has" echo in my ear, but they're not what pushes me to perform. It's not sound at all, as paradoxical as it may seem. No. It's my vibrations that align with yours that I'm aiming for. Does my singing jingle a cell inside of you? Does it resonate with some memory, making you pause to listen? What is it that makes someone listen? What is the sound that literally strikes a chord which travels up to their eyes? What sticks in my memory is this: a woman staring at me the whole time I sing "Hallelujah". Her eyes get progressively red and she is saying the words with me. During a musical break she puts more money in my hat and then sits down to listen to the rest. Her wobegone eyes have painted a lasting picture in my head–it's not the money that matters. Another vision: a lovely, vibrant little girl dancing as I sang. She is swaying with me, following ...