Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks About a year ago I started my blogging journey with a post about Thanksgiving. It was a post Thanksgiving post that I hope held the excitement of both posting and Thanksgiving. A lot has happened since then, and I am certainly grateful that I have had a way to convey both journeys of blogging and life. I have decided that this Thanksgiving day will be truly full of thanks, a reminder of everything that I have and that I am. I have often thought that I would like to make gratitude a part of my journaling...I already write a "to do" and "to be" list...why not add a "to be grateful for" list? And what better day than Thanksgiving to begin giving thanks every day? My eyes are gushing as I write this. I'm not sure exactly why. All the things that I'm grateful for are passing through my brain as if I'm a passenger on a train, and it's almost too much to take. I am struck by how utterly obtuse I have been in letting them go by and ...