
Hide-and-Seek I was on the way home from my father's church when I realized I had expressed the purest part of myself. I don't mean that I had a religious epiphany: I still believe that a linking power runs through us in the form of light and nature. No, what brought the " me ness" out was a simple question: "Can you play with me?" I didn't really catch the first time she asked, but the lovely little girl Alice posed it again in a soft, undemanding voice. I scanned the basement that served our social hour and saw that all the other children had gone home. So, I quickly responded: "Sure!" What insued was an all out, chasing and dashing hide-and-seek. We were so engrossed in the game that we forgot the fact that we were dressed up. She was elf-like with her long, blonde hair accentuated by her velvet green dress and matching lacquered shoes. I was very unplay-like in my tight, goldish pants and pointed pink shoes...None of this mattered, however....