Small on the Sea

Small on the Sea Looking down on it from the pier, it seemed sturdy in its squareness. It wasn't huge, but could sit six people: three in the back, one at the controls, and two in the front. I wasn't expecting to ride in the skimmer but I'm always ready for adventure, so I hopped in. I had assumed I would watch the regata from the nearby beach, even though I wasn't really sure what a regata was. I had pictured a procession of sailboats serenely shifting by like I had seen in St. Augustine, but there was nothing serene about this one. I had a front row seat which was completely exciting and scary at the same time. I quickly acquiesced that while we were trying to skim the surface of the sea, she was swirling up and down, sideways and backwards. She was the Ruler and wanted us to know that. My stomach sloshed with the boat's swallowing downward movements and I was glad I hadn't eaten breakfast. I felt the piece of sandwich I had bitten off before stepping into ...