Magic Moments, Week 2

Magic Moments, Week 2

Day 8

The magnificent early morning sky with layers of fuchsia and bird’s egg blue. I looked twice, and the fuchsia had stretched until the sun’s bald, hot head was at the base of the horizon.

The pungent but pleasant smell of basil from the leaves just plucked.

Day 9

The tingle that I feel traveling through my whole body when my boyfriend reaches over and holds me at night.

Day 10

The first whiff of the day from the cool air entering into the freshly opened window.

Day 11

Sophie’s sigh as she buries her head into my lap. Total abandonment and trust.

I’ve had a hard couple of days because of an eye infection, so I decided to go to the emergency room. One dedicated nurse came into the hall to medicate and change patients’ bandages. All of the patients were elderly except for me and a guy in a sweatshirt. The nurse explained that there was only one doctor on duty, so she was trying to do what she could in the meantime. I’m sure this statement made many patients feel cared for.

“It’s so important to keep doing things, you know?” she starting saying to one man, although she was really addressing everybody. “See friends. Travel. Start a new hobby. It’s important to keep out there.”

“But all that costs money,” he responded.

“Not as much as you would think. You could dedicate your time to a worthy cause, or take lessons in something you’ve always wanted to do. There are lots of free courses geared toward the elderly.”

She was going above and beyond the call of duty. I really think it’s admirable when someone does his/her job to the maximum, no matter what it is.

Day 12

After a long bike ride (28 kilometers!) through country and swampy areas following a canal, as evening fell the sky clouded over. However, the sun still broke through the thin, gray lining of the sky–rays touching the ground. Glorious…a glimpse into the heavens.

Day 13

The harsh Autumn sunlight making spots on the ground while a melody escaped from a worker as he released musk from the leaves he was raking. After the sky’s full temper tantrum from last night, it had awakened with orange cheeks highlighting the underbellies of the clouds.

Day 14

The magnificent morning sun blinding me in triumph over the thick layer of clouds that had crowded the atmosphere.

Photo: Armiche Bolanos Quesada
Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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