Magic Moments, Week 4

Magic Moments, Week 4

Day 22

o Waking up to my love sleeping next to me and reaching out to take him in my arms. Warmth, warmth, peace.

o The soft afternoon light bringing the brick walls of a canal to life. The walls were visibly giggling as they danced with the water.

Day 23

The reddish glow on the roof which is also highlighting the tip of the enormous tree across the way from my kitchen window.

Day 24

Lazing about for hours in the afternoon accompanied by Gershwin on my stereo. God, I love Gershwin. His music is pure magic where all good happens.

Day 25

Sofi sends her warmth and happiness through the dark. She comes for hugs and comfort, and in return helps sooth the spasms in my stomach, making them pass. I decide that today cuddling the cat is more important than Pilates. 

Day 26

I am distraught and a little lost at not being chosen for a show at the theater (I miss the theater so much!) So, my love sends me the recording of some birds chatting. They are conversing so merrily that it brings tears to my eyes. How utterly lovely, nature’s communication.

Day 27

o The golden steadiness of the tree outside my window, an enormous beauty.

o The way my boyfriend was smiling softly this evening while smoothing my hair. “I love caressing your hair,” he said.

o The leaves highlighted by the lamplight as they danced in the darkness, twirling in the neon light.

Day 28

The world was still waking, dark except for a few electric beams that are a mainstay for night travelers (or early risers).

A bit later, I sat and watched the sky–baby blue streaked with hot pink. As the morning progressed, the hot pink took over. Glorious, just glorious. And then the blue made a comeback until the clouds were full of it. Perhaps the most striking thing was how the sun filled in the crack in the open sky. First, it crawled in as a dull yellow. Then it became an intense orangey-yellow.

Day 29

I did it–I decided which clothes to give away and walked to different associations until one next to a church gladly took the donations. I also finished  reading a book and donated it along with others to a “book box” in the middle of a park near where I am living.

I’m not elated, but satisfied. Maybe this is a type of “magic moment”, although not one that really pops out.

Day 30

How much transpires when eyes are locked? From one eye to another, can you pass your whole inner-workings, albeit for a mere moment?

The anticipation was palpable–that moment before a performance when they and you savor the excitement of what could come. It was amazing being part of an audience again, to have the possibility to see artists in action. However, what really impressed me throughout the whole performance were the exchange of looks, starting with the flautist as she held the actor’s eyes to pass the moment onto him. But the dancers…they hardly moved, and the tension was visible between them. It was like they were breathing fireworks, then shooting them at each other. They broke into a series of movements, but the last second the female dancer stopped and turned her head just enough to communicate all the intensity of the moment to her male partner. That, I thought, is a magic moment.

Photo: Armiche Bolanos Quesada

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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