Starting the Start

Ah, the everlasting conundrum of the beginning. Where to start? How do I begin? Where do I go for help?

I believe the answer to all these questions lies in another question: why. Why am I doing this? Do I really want to start this? What do I really want? Why? If we answer that one question the path may become clearer. And if it doesn't, at least we're on the right track because we've narrowed down the tracks. It may be hidden behind a fanning tree, but after brushing away a branch the beginning might suddenly appear.

You may find yourself saying, for example: "But I really do want to cut out sweets. I know that they're no good and that I should sever my relationship with them, or at least cut back..." But do you really want to cut out sweets? Do you want to deny yourself a piece of double decker chocolate cake (well, one bite won't hurt) or a stroll down the street while licking an ice cream?

I didn't until recently. I have to admit, the example above represents my conundrum. (Write about what you know, right?) I wanted to stop, but I really didn't at the same time. Stopping the sweets wasn't just about preventing the sugar high (sugar releases dopamine in the brain like many other drugs.) It was more about the social ramifications.

"No, I can't go out for an ice-cream. I'm on a diet."

"No, I'd rather eat at home because there are too many temptations out there."

"No, I'm on a diet."

Diet shmiet! Argh!

So, to get over the hurdle of starting I changed my way of thinking. I reasoned that certain social situations would improve if I wasn't always linked to the crazy reactions of my gut. I wouldn't feel suddenly miserable when I had trouble digesting something or have to run to the bathroom. So, in the end avoiding sweets is as much for everyone else's benefit as for mine.

So, starting the start. Ask yourself: Why am at the start line in the first place? It may help to get your bearing and choose the right lane. Then, just go for it. It doesn't really matter where you begin, in the end. Just the fact that you started is the right step in any direction.

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash


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