Morning Musings

Morning Musings

Silence upon silence the morning gives me, even though the sun is already high, asking us to look at her. Her rays are not fancy, semi-covered by the waking sky. The morning has. thrown on a a clay colored robe and is rubbing her eyes. The sun has demanded her attention, as does ours. 

A pure feather falls to the ground in slow motion...I wonder where it has fallen from.

Ah, the traveling from night to day, from sleep to wakefulness. The sun is impatient for the day, while I want it to take its time. The noise and hustle and bustle can wait.

It can always wait, in my opinion. There is no reason to rush.

Across from mine a balcony is covered in bamboo with a few tufts of green as angles. A woman comes out, confused. She seems to be searching for something her balcony doesn't hold. She slips back through the glass door and disappears. Left alone, her balcony gives a tropical flare to the space the four buildings share. It is a space of expression that descends into a multi-green square. 

The other balconies are covered in clothes seeking dryness. Flowers (peonies) and herbs (melissa and basil) dangle from some balconies. Mine holds these herbs and also potted mint. I pick a few leaves and go inside to rinse them off. Then, I go outside to chew.

There is no other place I want to be at the moment. I feel at peace observing this juxtaposition of wants and hopes.

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo: "Sunday breakfast on the balcony. Joy, peace or relaxation." by eltpics is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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