


There is something enheartenly light about just concentrating on getting better. Not to prove something to someone or have anything to prove, or to have to do anything or be somewhere. Just to focus on my breathing, on the folding of my hands, closing my eye, drinking without drooling, the micro-advances that I've made...

For now, it's filling just to be here and know of the progress's passing–its gentle hand that helps me close my eye lid before a nap.

Healing simplifies and clarifies. Necessities are evident and the superfluous even more so. Everything becomes either essential or not important.

For this reason, totally giving into the healing process is the only way to go. Half dedicated to healing is an oxymoron: either you heal or not, either you are committed to the process or not. It's not like you let the blood flow through your tissues lukewarm only to let it ebb away. If the surge keeps coming, the blood keeps pumping, flourishing through your skin. Left halfway, you become pale. Your capillaries have so much more to say.

It's not for the faint of hearted, this healing. It takes so much energy to focus on what matters, because you have to face the healing: the pain, the drawbacks, finding what works, the launch ahead and the space you left behind...

Healing becomes part of you–part of your cells, your way of life, your way of thinking.

You are whole, and that's where the healing is.

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo: "Time heals all wounds..." by Neal. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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