Dealing Your Cards

Dealing Your Cards

Every morning we cut our own deck of cards. Some days we cut the deck evenly, laying both the good and bad fortunes on each side to be shuffled. Sometimes we overlook the positive half, and still other times the negative half.
In the end, we believe that we never know how the cards will be dealt. We could have a surprising hand in which something happens that we would never have expected.
Other times, the hand is exactly what we had anticipated. Some people face the same exact hand everyday, and come to know that it will always be that way.
Or, will it?
How much say do we have in its shuffling or distribution? Could we stack the cards from the very beginning so the day is more likely to go in one direction or another? 
The brain expert Jim Kwik says we do. He's sure that we can put our stamp on the day by creating good habits in the morning. (Like not looking at our phone for the first hour, journaling, and writing about how we want to be and feel for the day. So often we think about what to do, but not how to feel.) If we set ourselves up with a certain mindset it will help us deal with whatever life throws at us. Because in reality a good or a bad event depends largely on how we react to it and think about it.
So, we could learn to accept that our hands might change (hopefully for the better). In this way, perhaps the dealer will give us different cards, whoever or whatever the dealer may be.

 text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo : "Mandalas deck of cards" by iam_pbernardo is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.


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