Love and Messiness


Love and Messiness

Love, along with the wonderful gush that often accompanies it, also means dealing with a lot of crap. One's own crap, a loved one's crap...we all have our idiosyncrasies: things we are not willing to go without or give up, things we have trouble letting go, things we wish were better, things we have trouble expressing...

All this gets muddled into the crap we deal out and have to deal with. Maybe there are different levels of crappiness depending on how much of the crap is mucked, sticking to our pores and clogging us up.

So, what do we do with the crap? My best answer is to be patient when it calls for it and take a stand when the level of crappiness becomes too thick. 

Remember, we all are dealing with our own mess. If we realize that it's our personal crappiness that's making others miserable, I think we have to own it at some point and try to clean it up. Crabbiness and crappiness often go together.

The most important thing is to forgive the crap. There is no way to rinse it off, whether it be ours or other's, until we do. It's also essential to praise someone who's trying to clean up their crap because it's one of the hardest things to do.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some clutter to clean up. 😀

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo: "clean up time!" by EvelynGiggles is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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