Dream Day vs Daydream

Dream Day vs Daydream

My dream day wouldn't dawn with a yawning daydream. No, it would begin with my eyes open, the soft sun peeking through the blinds. I would pull them up and catch the day waking-fuschia overlapping a fierce light blue.

How can such an innocuous color be fierce, you say? Because the day is fierce-fierce in its firey pride, fierce in its focus, fierce in its effervescence.

The window creaks as its frame shakes off the night. A rush of welcome chilliness greets me and I shiver-more from the pleasure of its tingling than the bite of its breath.

I have no daydreams in my dream day because I am fully awake in the the day I have created. 

Maybe daydreams keep me occupied when I need an escape, when I don't want to be where I am. I must admit most of the daydreams in my life grabbed me while I was at school. Well, the good news is I'm more where I want to be now.

My dream day in reality is very radicated in reality. It's about strolling in the park, devouring an enchanting book, being totally engrossed in my singing so that the song sings me, truly embracing my partner so that I feel his heartbeat and he feels mine...

In other words, my dream day is already here, in my everyday.

Photo: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/girl-stretching-colorful-balloons_7091101.htm#query=day%20dreaming&position=9&from_view=keyword">Image by ArthurHidden</a> on Freepik

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi 


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