Reflections on Air


Reflections on Air

What if we were all breathing–breathing into each other, into the world, and back again... like a hot air balloon propagating itself through space and time, never really stopping anywhere but giving the illusion it does. We pump air in, fuelling it, and it, in turn, fuels us.

What if all there is is breath, flowing in and out in an eternal cadence, even when our physical form ceases to be? Respiration moving molecules that we can't see...

What if our spirits were made of air and that's all there truly is and all we truly are?

Even music is just electrified breath streaming with vibrations, perpetuating sound and silence. It weaves invisible notes into our skin and then transpires into ultimate glory.

Perhaps, then, we are all just music infinitely playing to the attentive feelings that grasp it. Our cells are always singing to each other to make their intentions known–we just can't hear them. It's been proven by science.

I'd like to think that my song would sing on even when my lungs take a breather...

Photo: @tchago

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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