The Newness Challenge

The Newness Challenge

This morning, I awoke with: what if I tried something new everyday? Would that help me to feel alive, to add spice to "normalcy"? New creates excitement and stimulates. I know routines are necessary–they help build good habits and align life–but novelty opens up new pathways in the brain. Challenges–as long as they're not too heavy–can cheer you on, help you to set new goals.

So, then I thought: what if I dare myself to do something new everyday, like my challenge to find "magic moments" in my daily life? I immediately felt the idea prickle under my skin, but doubts also stung me: is it really possible to find something extraordinary in the commonplace? And will I be able to see it as I stumble upon it? What constitutes "new", anyway? Is it because you've never done something before or because you've never seen it in a certain way before that makes the difference?

I think it was Jim Kwik who said "novelty helps neurons" and suggested using your "weak hand" as a way to exercise the brain. I am trying to use my left hand as I write this and my handwriting looks like a third grader's, but it makes me giggle. My brain has a lot to learn! It has been a while since I tried this exercise, but it proves that I already knew about how to create newness, and that it doesn't have to be something wild and crazy. Just looking up as I walk outside could reveal a new angle or an exciting turn...even an exciting turn of events. 

We also never know how a new mindset can change things. Life can be exciting if we let it. Maybe our inner lives are the greatest discovery because we think we know ourselves, but since our experiences and thought shape who we are, if we make the conscious decision to change we may be surprised at how different we can be. This is so intriguing! 

I hope you accompany me in this journey into newness, and that it sparks something in your life as well. 

Photo: Hansjörg Keller

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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