

"What a glorious, scrumptious day!"I thought as I stretched in the open window, the sky blushing beyond me at the compliment.

Can one use "scrumptious" to describe the day? Why not? It looks so good in its unabashed pale blue pureness that I can almost savor it. Expectations of beauty are tingling through me, the song already starting in my toes.

Well, the best thing to do in these cases is to look the word up. The first definition I found on google was from Oxford Languages and says that scrumptious means "extremely tasty; delicious." However, it also describes a person who is "very attractive".

What would Day be like if she were a person? Well, she would obviously be female. I imagine her wispy in white, flowing skirts. She descends with a kind of toga swirling around her. Her expression is serious, yet she is light, oh so light. She is made of light and swirls of sky. She floats around, pointing a candid finger here and there to wake the flower and fauna. As soon as they see her, however, she dissipates, so they never know when Day truly appears. Some never ask themselves anything about her and are not aware that it is she who does the waking.

To Day it makes little difference. She twirls about until the waking is done, only to evaporate into the celestness of the sky.

Photo: Photo by <a href="">Eric Ward</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

  Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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