Newness–Week Two


Newness–Week Two Highlights

Day #9

*New recipe with my partner from the Canary Islands

Fry onion, green pepper, and carrots with oil. Boil swill chard apart and then add them to the other veggies. Mix together parmesan cheese, eggs, salt, pepper, and heavy cream and add to the veggies. Fold tuna fish into the whole mix and then put it in the oven. Delicious!

Day #10

*New "sweet" recipe: carrot cake with rice flour

Wash and peel carrots and cut them into tiny pieces or use a mixer. Beat 3 eggs and sugar until fluffy, add rice flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt, oil, and orange juice stirring all the time. Put in oven at °160 C for 40 minutes and enjoy!

*Spending time with a friend who came to visit us and going out for fresh pasta in the evening to a place with a view of the city.

Day #12

Another new recipe! I'm thinking about making a recipe book...Why not?

*Plum Sauce: Our friend left us with a kilo of plumbs. That's a lot, and we'll never get through them, so I decided to cook them.

Put sugar (I substituted honey to taste), the juice and peels of three lemons, 400 ml of water, cinnamon and cloves to taste in a pot on the burner. Add the plumbs cut in half without the pit. Cook on low until the peels start to come off. I probably overcooked the mixture so it became a jam, but it was sooooo tasty!

Day #13

*Sausage in the oven with steamed broccoli and olive oil added after cooking. I never thought straight up broccoli could be so delicious just with a touch of good oil to enhance its natural flavor. If you haven't tried it, please do to really savor its greeness.

Day #14

This isn't a new recipe, but one I haven't made in a while.

*Homemade Chicken Soup

Ingredients: Chicken drum sticks, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 3 celery stalks, rosemary to taste, 6 cups of water, 2 bullion cubes, salt and pepper to taste

Put everything in a crockpot on low for 6-8 hours. Shred chicken and bam–warming soup for the soul as well as the stomach.

Photo:<a href="">Image by azerbaijan_stockers</a> on Freepik

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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