Steaming my Thoughts


Steaming my Thoughts

I should let my thoughts steep for a while...let them stew in the pot until the dendrite leaves become soaked and well drained. I will strain out the goodness from the nucleus and leave the rest to be discarded. 

I must take care not to leave the leaves for long and throw them out as soon as possible. Why would I want discarded thoughts to stick around, staining the counter tops and coffee cups? Even worse would be to use them again and again, especially when the thought becomes old and makes tasteless tea.


I started a tea ritual not too long ago, so much am I enamored of the soothing substance. Every morning, it goes like this:

I sit cross-legged on the couch covered by my favorite cuddly blanket. Only after I am comfortable do I take the mug: a  large picture mug that I  wrap my hands around to absorb its warmth. Then, I suck in the aroma from the steam and manifest myself into it. I take a steaming sip with my eyes closed and let it slide slowly down my throat. I savor the moment before taking another to swish around my mouth. Lastly, I say a silent thank you for the tea and all its properties.


Why so much joy in tea? It's my moment, my time for contemplation and concentration. But to truly experience the joy of tea, I must let it seep for the right amount of time: not too much that it's too strong to swallow, not too little so that it's too weak to taste.

I should then breathe the tea in, letting it tingle my nose with the flavor of goodness. And then, down it goes–warming my stomach until my toes. The heat from my mug even thaws my fingers.

I am at peace with my thoughts steamed.

Photo: Photo by <a href="">Miti</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

  Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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