Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

It was the first day of summer yesterday and I wanted to greet the Sun with open arms. I lay in bed for a while watching the blinds letting in snippets of her: yes, her...because I  saw the sun as a goddess. I imagined her strong and powerful: a no-nonsense type of day star. 

In fact, when I drew the shades up energetically the Sun blazed in forcefully. She was hurting me, burning her image in my mind. I closed my eyes and an orange blotch stained my vision. She wasn't in a sweet mood like she had been of late, softened by gentle streams of wind. No, yesterday she had an impatient glow that cut through the window.

She moved out from behind the houses across the street, releasing her rays so they pointed a laser beam on my chest. I am in awe of the immense power of reaching she has.

She doesn't want to be overwhelming her rays seem to say as they leave my chest to caress my bare morning arms. She tried to cuddle me with her embrace, washing me over with her warmth. She wanted me to relax in her energy, drawing my whole body into her rays and bathing it.

I'm sorry I judged you so quickly, Sun. I was just overwhelmed by your strength. I wasn't ready to take on your energy but I will learn to. It's time.

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo: <a href="">R H</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>


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