The Lion's Gate Portal

 The Lion's Gate Portal

Right now, we are crossing the Lion's Gate Portal. I wasn't aware of that until the 8th of August, which was the complete alignment of Orion, the Sun, the Earth, and Sirius. The Gate is open until the 12 when these celestial bodies continue on their merry way through the cosmos. 

Sirius apparently is quite serious about its shining–unique in its brightness, beaten only by the sun. But they radiate together to help us leap through the gate on the eighth of August. Maybe you know it already, but this date was a sacred time to the Egyptians because it represented the flooding of the Nile, which, if controlled, lead to a great harvest. In modern astrology, this period is thought to help people achieve their goals. It is a time to take action to use the positive energy the portal brings to our advantage.

According to an article I happened upon on in the Farmers' Almanac on the ninth, there are ten ways to do just this. I have done nine without even being aware of the Lion's Gate, having already opened a portal of my own as a bridge to imminent changes in my life. So, I don't know if it's the Lion that's guarding my gate or Change. At any rate, I'm definitely in sync with this take charge advise.

1. Make a vision board. This is the only suggestion I haven't followed in this period, but if I look back at the vision board I made in December 2022 for the new year it's right in line with the long journey I have planned in the next few months. (See photo at the beginning.)

2. Meaningful Conversations (about the now and what you would like for the future with significant people in your life. I think this should be a lifelong process, however.)

3. Make an action plan (I had to do this, particularly with decluttering. The weight of all my stuff would never have allowed me to go anywhere.)

4. Review your finances (A necessary move every once in a while, but particularly if you have a long trip in mind like I do.)

5. Improve your health (This has been a rocky road since my operations, but I plan to be as fit as ever before traveling.)

6. Get Creative! (This is actually my lifelong goal.)

7. Keep Learning (Always!)

8. Book a Vacation (Done! A three month long one!)

9. Explore your Spirituality (This is a work in progress.)

10. Reflect on your Roots (How could I not? With all this decluttering, I keep plunging into the past to choose what's important today.)

Do you feel this portal of change, too? Where are you in relation to it? Looking inside, stepping over the entrance, already on the other side, or avoiding it altogether? 

Text and photo: Kristen Mastromarchi


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