


Heaven has to be black and white, I've decided. Clouds are luminous there, so shadows are all the more prominent. The outlines of every soul are etched into a brilliant sun. 

I think we wouldn't have wings in heaven–just long, ivory robes like Emily Dickinson described in her poems. They would flatter any figure, but we wouldn't care, being souls.

Could we choose our soul form, I wonder? The one that we felt more inclined to on Earth, or one that wraps us in a toga of charm? Could we choose our most beautiful remembrance of ourselves on Earth?

No, more likely in heaven our soul is at its purest–perhaps a beam of light or a quiver of energy. We could shine as much as the sun or just a prick of periwinkle. 

Maybe we would don robes on the way up and then they would automatically permeate into the atmosphere once we accepted our real essence. Maybe some souls would be carried into the cloud canopy still decorated in human skin, only to realize in looking down that souls indeed they were. Eventually their robes would fall away, too, and they would join the collection of stars that we all are.

Yes, that's what heaven must be–a milky way of souls. That's why stars are so brilliant.

 I really can't imagine heaven in color. Perhaps the world below us would be striking, however. Peering down through the cottony puffiness, all the colors would come rushing as if in a kaleidoscope.

And heaven would obviously be silent.

Could it be, then, that heaven is similar to a silent movie? With only lips and coal-black lined eyes in fascinating faces? Would only the imprint of our countenance follow through–floating faces with no body?

No, what am I saying! How absurd! We must be made of light.

And would God (Goddess) be a sunbeam, or the sun itself? Would only a voice boom through the atmosphere with orders like I've seen in some films? Would God bark orders, anyway? Wouldn't it be more likely that he would shimmer through a dazzling shaft of light singing, "Welcome!"And then, instead of explaining how we got there or what we have to do, he would just lead us with his radiant ray?

Perhaps we wouldn't have any questions then because we would know. An electrical current with the knowledge that we had known all the time would run through us. It's just we couldn’t see our own light.

Photo: <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/nika_akin-13521770/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4790230">Nika Akin</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4790230">Pixabay</a>

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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