Ageless Spunkiness

Ageless Spunkiness

The women chuckled as I caught her eye. Not a guffaw, but a giggle of merriment. I sent out a "good morning" to her and she tried to collect her face as she responded.

Her humor was infectious, and the image of what she must be seeing bounced back to me. I almost burst out laughing. The me of the 'morn must have been something like this: a girl with strands of uncombed hair flying in the wind covered by a loud colored towel. It's hard to tell if she has shorts on, but a white border sometimes flashes out about her bare legs. Her hands are dangling at her side dressed in translucent jellies so as to free her feet which are splashing in the water. Her lips are parted in a lopsided smile which completes the picture of this odd but happy image.

This image fuses with another one suddenly spreading in my vision. The other day I glimpsed a woman who I thought must resemble me from behind. She was running barefoot with a fuchsia towel very similar to mine over her shoulders. Her gait wasn't "purposeful" like the one of dedicated morning runners. She just wanted release, to be able to splash in the water and feel her feet fully on the packed ground, like me.

She had caught my eye even before her jog because of her florescent suit. After she dried off, she took off. Wow! A swim and a run! At her age!

I caught my thoughts quickly. I am almost fifty and only about twenty years probably separate us. That woman could be me in twenty years–or rather, I could be like her. I only hope I will have her spunk and vibe at any of my future ages.

Photo: Maike Sörensen

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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