Rocking the Boat


Rocking the Boat

It is the light that makes me turn my head to grasp its meaning. It draws me to the boats rocking in all their blueness and redness, swaying their wood from side to side in homage of the sea or perhaps the sky above.

I am in awe of the light streaming down, highlighting where my eyes should look, taking me away from my self-absorbedness. It is a unique moment of  the sky communicating to the sea. I am lucky to catch it because ten minutes later the shaft is gone, never to repeat that exact illumination and position of the boats again.

I have an urge to call him–the one I left at home. The weight of what was not said weighs down my arms as much as the heavy bags from the supermarket. But I can't call him because in my rush to be by myself I had left my phone behind.

I stay here for a moment with the bags hanging but feeling lighter with awe and understanding. It is like I am rocking on one of the boats having an out of body experience. 

But I am very much in myself. I need to get back and explain my inward eruption. All I want is to make it right and share this moment with him.

Photo: Image by <a href="">Tom</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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