Reality Pang

Reality Pang Pung! A pang right in my solar plexus. Despite where I live being a paradise for most, there are a good number of desperate destitutes roaming the streets and making the pavement their home. Some souls stutter along, jittering from the toxic effects of drugs. There are others in wheelchairs outside of supermarkets or eateries waiting for a good Samaritan to give up some change. Still others are on their feet searching for a pint of pity. One even scolded me the other day for my lack of sympathy telling me I was "bad". In reality, I'm not lacking in it, but feel overwhelmed by the fact that I can't help everybody and not knowing who to help. There is one homeless man who sits on the boardwalk near my apartment, repeating a raucous "HELP ME, PLEASE". He usually leans against the wall in the same angle across from the beach, although recently he has started to change spots because the shop owners have complained about his raspy pleas. ...