You do you

You do you You do you–or, in this case, me be me. That being also means action resonates with me. Just "coming into being" is a miracle that puts into motion a whole slew of bodily processes that then become automatic. That's why babies are so fascinated with themselves (what's this? It's a hand! How grand! And I can even open and close it! Look at that!) And they have every right to be excited. We take our inner workings for granted until they stop working. Think about something as vital as breath for a moment. If you start paying attention to it, at first your breathing gets out of whack because you never actually do anything–it does itself. Our lungs pump us with air and life without us being aware in the least, which is totally amazing. And if we concentrate on it and slow it down suddenly a lot of things start to make sense. I've always been drawn to the "you do you" idea even if I don't always "do me". It has such a differen...