Happiness: a character sketch

Happiness: a character sketch

Happiness is first and foremost a dancer. She dances on the street and in the aisles at the supermarket, basking in the amused attention from fellow shoppers. Even her voice dances, alighting from one sound to the other as she speaks, and at the checkout everyone can't help but chuckle.

When she's not dancing, she's skipping. She sometimes jumps for no reason–just because she feels like it.

Happiness's most prominent feature is her amazing grin. She likes to spread smiles as much as possible. It's her mission in life.

Most people describe her as a butterfly, flitting here and there, but her favorite animal is the dog. She is often found rolling in the grass with one.

She loves children and delights in making them smile. The funnier the face, the better: then they both end up giggling. Peak-a-boo is her favorite game because it's so simple but ends up tickling both the peaker and the booer.

Ah, yes–and speaking of tickling, she's quite a fan: unless it goes on for too long or with someone who doesn't make her feel happy. In that case she gets kind of confused and eventually leaves.

Happiness always lights up the room. Her eyes sparkle and her laugh tingles when it's true. The only problem is she rarely stays for long and a shadow suddenly enters the room when she departs. But that's just the way she is–staying put cramps her style.

Everyone tries to invite her to their parties, birthdays, parades, openings...She doesn't always come, however, and sometimes leaves unexpectedly. Yes, she's not always reliable, but she's so lovely you forgive her. What's not to love about Happiness?

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi

Photo: <a href="https://pixabay.com/es/users/adelkazaika-21087530/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=6174061">Адель Шарипова</a> en <a href="https://pixabay.com/es//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=6174061">Pixabay</a>


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