

Thanksgiving. To give thanks. To be thankful. To be full of thanks, to let it infuse you until it becomes your fuse and lights up the day. That's what today is all about. 

It's so simple yet so profound.

Am I thankful? Truly thankful? Yes. For the fact that I'm here, that I'm alive. That I have been given this chance to experience life, whether my recollections are positive or negative. That I have been given the opportunity to travel through three lives: one in the US, another in Italy, and the latest in Spain. How many people have had this fortuity? Or who choose to take it?

I am grateful to be on this trip called life. To have traveled much and to continue to travel. To have experienced many cultures and adventures, weaving them into the tales I tell. 

I am thankful that I have created the stories of my life, and that I am conscious of it. That I will go on generating chapters, molding them and then letting go when the happening is out of my description.


Life, family, friends. When I ask people what they are grateful for, these are the most common answers. Because if we really ask our core, we know. We rarely do the asking, but if we truly listened we would feel it. There are so many things to be thankful for, but these are the three biggies. 

It's so wild to think that the twisting turbine of life and what we appreciate in it flows into the same river for almost everybody. That this wonderful, crazy, at times painful yet joyful experience comes down to a few common denominators.

Maybe we should be thankful that we are ultimately so similar...that our lives are just a web of connections that support us in the beginning as well as the end...

Photo by: <a href="">Deborah Hudson</a> da <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Text by: Kristen Mastromarchi


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