Chocolate Coated Life

Chocolate Coated Life

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

True wisdom from Forest Gump. Truly true in many ways. Sometimes a bon bon melts in your mouth, the soft heart spreading and coating the roof. Yet another has a sour liquor in the middle that makes you pucker. Still another has a caramel center that sticks to your palate and lingers there for a long time.

There are times, however, that you just don't feel like comping on chocolate. Or you get a kind that doesn't tickle your fancy and you don't even want to it.

Still other times the box is so shaken that the description doesn’t go with the truffle. You become confused and have no idea which one to choose. Suddenly, the box that you were so sure of makes no sense anymore.

Then there are those bitter ones–those bitter pieces of life that are so hard to swallow. Divorces, operations, someone with a debilitating sickness in the makes you ask why: why was I delt these chocolates? Do I have to eat them?

The answer is yes. Yes, you do. Because each person's life is a not-so-simple mixed box. Life may not turn out as you expected or hoped. It may throw you more acrid pieces than you feel you can eat. So, you reassemble the box trying to make sense of the new order. Maybe the order is not immediately visible, but it's there.

The important thing is not to let the bitterness take over, to switch up the dark for some milk chocolate at times. It's there, even if all the choices appear to be more of the same. Sometimes it's how you taste the truffles that makes all the difference...that with a new pairing (strawberries? sweet brandy?) they suddenly taste better.

It could be that you set aside the box for another one, reaching for a more simple or promising container. That's legit, too. You may have to create your own special assortment–a new box that contains some of the old pieces and a few (or a lot of!) new ones. That's how you know you've grown–when the box has a colorful array of chocolates that you're just bursting to try.

Photo: Image by <a href="">congerdesign</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Text: Kristen Mastromarchi


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