Intolerant of Tolerance

Intolerant of Tolerance Tolerance. How much should we be tolerant, and for what? Does it always lead to a good thing? Maybe I should reflect upon the difference between tolerance and acceptance first. I see them as two very different things. For me tolerance means you "allow" things that go against your way of thinking. Acceptance means that every cell of your body relaxes because you know you can't change something and are ok with it. I feel like sometimes we accept some things that we could change and are intolerant of things that don't matter. Like, how long did it take some people to accept bans on indoor cigarette smoking even though it's for the public good? On the contrary, people accept the high level of sugar in our diets which has been proven to affect our weight, mood, and cognitive activity. But then again, how intolerant are some people when there is a person taking a long time in a check-out line? Does it really matter in the end? I imagine some typ...