Hospital Insights

Hospital Insights It's not what happens that shapes the who we are, but rather how we choose to see the events unfolding. God knows it's so hard not to get lost when hardships happen, or even overlook an extraordinary moment because we're focused on something else. I truly believe, however, that we can use whatever befalls us for enlightenment–we just have to decide to do so, even if it can take tremendous energy. In light of this vision, I'd like to share some insights I had in returning from the hospital. In reality, they are ideas that have been forming for years. 1. I'm not wasting time on things that I don't enjoy anymore . 2. I want to travel as much as I can, when I can. Through travel I can visit friends and fill myself with the unknown. My cup is doubly full this way. 3. I want to have real relationships, or "real" shared moments, even with strangers. I'm not interested in superficial ones. 4. Not being me only deepens the path of not be...