Dream Day vs Daydream

Dream Day vs Daydream My dream day wouldn't dawn with a yawning daydream. No, it would begin with my eyes open, the soft sun peeking through the blinds. I would pull them up and catch the day waking-fuschia overlapping a fierce light blue. How can such an innocuous color be fierce, you say? Because the day is fierce-fierce in its firey pride, fierce in its focus, fierce in its effervescence. The window creaks as its frame shakes off the night. A rush of welcome chilliness greets me and I shiver-more from the pleasure of its tingling than the bite of its breath. I have no daydreams in my dream day because I am fully awake in the the day I have created. Maybe daydreams keep me occupied when I need an escape, when I don't want to be where I am. I must admit most of the daydreams in my life grabbed me while I was at school. Well, the good news is I'm more where I want to be now. My dream day in reality is very radicated in reality. It's about strolling in the park, devour...