Farewell to 2023

Farewell to 2023 Farewell to 2023, to the old, to holding on to hurt in my head or in my body. Let it slide off my skin and shoulders, slink down me in the shower and swirl down the drain. Will what I shake off whirl in the opposite direction down the drain as I transition into 2024, choosing another way in my move to the islands? Will I get caught into the whirlpool of the new? Will it be overwhelming? So many questions! What I do know is that I can't cling to the country I left or anything in the past. Italy was good to me: it guided me through all my wayward windings to maturity. It was there through my misunderstandings, confusion, learning and finally my flight leaving the cocoon I had built from fear of feeling. Thank you for being the country that taught me so much. Gosh, almost all I learned about musicality and music in general I developed within you. I also learned that I could make it: that I could be thrown i...